SHINING CITYHudson Stage Company
A Play by Conor McPherson Directed by Dan Foster Scenic Design by Anna Grigo
Costume Design by Charlotte Palmerlane Lighting Design by Andrew Gmoser Sound Design by Garrett Hood |
Photo Credit: Rana Faure
"As is always the case with Hudson Stage Company shows—executive produced by Mr. Foster, Denise Bessette and Olivia Sklar--the set design is smart and sophisticated. I appreciated the skyline view we had through a window, with lighting effects that reflected time of day and to season, with snowflakes aflutter." — BruceTheBlog.com
CRITICS' PICK for the 2017-18 Season — "Shining City" at Hudson Stage Company -- OnStageBlog.com
CRITICS' PICK for the 2017-18 Season — "Shining City" at Hudson Stage Company -- OnStageBlog.com
Scenic Model